Monday, June 18, 2012

An introduction is in order

Hello everyone in the inter webs :)

I wanted to start out introducing myself a little so everyone who comes across my blog can know what my purpose for creating this webpage is. I already have a Blogspot with my life as a young mom followed with a Facebook and YouTube. The thing about those is I didn't really start out with sharing that I was Mormon and although I am not hiding it I wanted to feel limitless in my expression of being a Mormon and my lifestyle in that respect. I decided that I would keep the blogspot and just add another one. That way I could express myself in a comfortable way for everyone. I do not believe in forcing beliefs on anyone so I didn't want my other readers to feel that way.

So moving forward with my new blog address I'm so excited to get started! One thing that I think is important to understand is that living on a budget is not just for "cheap" people or "poor" people. If you want to be able to afford a certain lifestyle no matter how much you make then having a budget is a smart thing to do. That is why I will be sharing ways that my family saves and ways that we will be saving for future life plans. So let me get on with talking about the most wonderful part.... my family!

We are currently a family of four consisting of my husband Ramon, my daughter Renee, my son Ramon and well me of course! We started out young and have been working very hard to align ourselves completely with God's plan. We have made our mistakes and I'm sure we will make more but we are striving to live Christ like lives and to show those that know us that everyone makes mistakes but it doesn't mean you should give up or let others tell you you are some how not christian or that you should live feeling guilty instead of focusing on repentance and changing behaviors.

Due to the current presidential election year there has been a lot more "buzz" about Mormons. Unfortunately so many things have been skewed about Mormons and our beliefs that many of those that did not know anything before are probably more confused that ever! Hopefully I can help to break some of those myths about Mormons along the way at least for those that come across my blog. I hope to show that just because a person makes mistakes or doesn't do everything that others expect them to does not mean that the gospel of Jesus Christ is flawed. It is humans that are flawed and that is true even if you do not believe in God at all.

I love my father in Heaven and I pray that I can make a difference with this blog and share my life in a positive way and create the best life for my family possible.

Thank you for stopping by and please show your support by following my blog!


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